virtual-assistantWe can all agree that content marketing has great potential to lead customers and clients directly to your website. Writing blog posts is simply one form of content marketing that can have a huge return on investment. After crafting several blog posts, it can be daunting to come up with new ideas. No need to worry any longer! At TMC Typing & Internet Services, we have a few tips to help get those creative juices flowing. Try adding these types of articles to your content calendar. You will be amazed at how easy it is to begin writing again.

Personal Success Stories

Nothing is more convincing than a personal testimonial. Having someone share about your service or product, expressing how it helped them or gave them amazing results is so valuable. Apply the following subheadings to make formatting a personal story post easier. An easy way to format a personal story post is to use this type of subheadings:

  • Initial problem.
  • Attempted but failed solutions.
  • Introduction to your particular service or product.
  • Final results.

How-To Posts

These types of articles are especially helpful as more and more people are turning to the Internet asking “How to” questions. Think about the variety of questions you are often asked. If you run a social media marketing agency, maybe you have clients who want to know more about how to create a social media strategy or how to create social media posts that convert. For product-based businesses, a “How to Best Use X Product for These Amazing Results” post could be a valuable addition to your blog.

Current Industry News

Information overload is a real problem today. Your customers may be searching for the latest news relating to your business, but with the onslaught of data all over the Internet, they may have no idea where to begin. Have you ever thought about featuring a monthly “Current Industry Update” or “What’s New in the World of _______?” Make your website the go-to place for the latest in industry news by featuring these types of blog posts on a regular basis.

In the next article, we’ll take a look at three more varieties of blog post articles you can write that will keep customers returning to your website time and time again.