Elements-Email-NewsletterYou’re sitting at your computer ready to send out your weekly email newsletter. You’ve carefully crafted an email announcing your newest program or latest blog post to your subscribers. Although you’re happy with your content you feel like something is missing. Try adding these 4 elements to ensure your readers open your email every single time it’s sent to their inbox.

Attention-Grabbing Subject Line

A unique subject line will ensure that your readers actually open the email you’re sending them. Pique their interest by asking a question or saying something completely unexpected. Be sure to use a subject line that is relevant to the content of your email.

Attractive Images

Images that attract attention and are designed in your brand will help make a connection between the content in the email and your particular business or blog. With striking images, you can also tell a story, relay a specific message, or even tug at your reader’s emotional heartstrings. There are many websites full of free stock photos where you can find images that are relevant to your business.


This may be the most important element to add to your newsletter. You want your subscribers to take that next step, whatever that may be. It’s different for everyone of course. It can be reading a blog post, sharing your blog on social media, or purchasing your next program. Include an obvious button they can’t miss, with a clear message, such as “Click Here to Share” or “Purchase Now”.

Clear Image of Yourself

People love to see the person behind the scenes. This picture does not have to necessarily be professional, but it should be clear and not fuzzy or out of focus. If you’re a food blogger it can be a casual picture of you cooking in your kitchen. If you’re a writer it can be a picture of you sitting at your computer working on your next article. There are several ways you can create a compatible image to include in your newsletter.

Which one of these elements will you be adding to your next email newsletter?