3 Benefits of Submitting Articles to Article DirectoriesHave you taken the time to improve your content marketing by taking advantage of article directory submissions? An article directory is essentially a website that compiles articles according to a variety of categories. You may have already heard of these more popular article directories – ehow.com, ezinearticles.com, and hubpages.com. At TMC Typing & Internet Services, we recommend using article directory submissions as part of your overall content marketing strategy. Let’s explore the top three benefits below.

1. Free Advertising

Many article directories allow you to submit articles and blog posts for free. This is great news as this marketing strategy only takes time and not more money out of your business budget. Capitalize on this free advertising by following these two extra steps:

  • Include internal links within the body of the article that link directly to your blog/website.
  • Write about your products and services and how they can help the specific audience you serve.

2. Professional Credibility

By sprinkling your content throughout the Internet, you are consistently building your professional credibility. With enough high-quality content presented to the public through article submission sites,  over time you will be seen as an expert in your industry. Many article directories allow for an author bio at the end of each article. Be sure your bio includes:

  • What you do.
  • Who you serve.
  • Website or blog link.
  • Social media links.

3. Website/Blog Traffic

When you combine the power of free advertising with professional credibility through the use of article directory submissions, you are exposing your content to several hundred, if not thousands, of people. This is exactly why you need to include links to your website, blog, or social media accounts, either within the body of the article or in the author bio. The more articles you submit, the more people will recognize your name, and the more likely they will click on your website or social media links to learn more about you.

Level Up Your Content Marketing Strategy Today

You’ve already taken the time to write articles or blog posts for your website. You may as well take it even further by submitting these posts to article directory sites. At TMC Typing, we can help you select targeted directories based on your categories and keywords, as well as submit the articles on your behalf. Call us today for a free consultation at (717) 429-6565. We look forward to helping you!