Do you use Pinterest to promote your business? If not, you could be missing out on getting your company in front of a different and much wider audience. Follow these tips recommended by TMC Typing & Internet Services to create more buzz and excitement around your small business.

1. Create Engaging Content

Visuals are more important than text on Pinterest, but both should be given a priority when it comes to creating engaging pins. The image and copy together need to be compelling and persuasive enough for someone to stop and click on your pin. Follow these steps to create pins that deliver on engagement:

  • Use vertical images. Canva recommends 1000 x 1500 px size for your pins.
  • Use descriptive copy. Tell people what the pin is about and give them a reason to want to learn more.
  • Include a headline that supports the overall message of the pin.
  • Add your logo or website to each pin you create.

2. Create a Consistent Pin Schedule

It’s much more effective to pin consistently over time rather than sporadically here and there. Consider creating a schedule that will allow you to add pins regularly to Pinterest. This gives your Pinterest audience a chance to consistently see your images. You can either pin manually on Pinterest or use a scheduling tool like Hootsuite or Buffer. 

3. Create Content for Pinterest SEO

Although Pinterest is viewed as a social media platform it is technically a visual search engine. Users take advantage of keywords and hashtags in order to discover new content on Pinterest. It’s essential to use keywords throughout your Pinterest pins and boards, including them in the board names, board descriptions, and pin descriptions. You can do some simple keyword research by searching specific terms using the search bar within Pinterest. Here you’ll discover the exact terms and phrases people are searching and then add them within your content to increase your Pinterest SEO.

Need Help? Schedule a Free Consultation Today!

Are you overwhelmed and can’t imagine adding more to your to-do list? The team at TMC Typing can help! Our US-based virtual assistants are highly-trained in social media management including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. If you’d like to add Pinterest to your social media strategy, schedule a free consultation with us today. We look forward to helping you build and grow your business.