pinterest-right-businessIf you use Pinterest for personal use, you already know how amazing it is, but it can also be an effective marketing tool for your business. It exposes your business to a brand new audience and offers a tremendous amount of content marketing potential. This social media platform used to be primarily for inspiring home cooks, arts and crafts lovers, devoted home decorators, and fashion enthusiasts. Now it can be a very valuable tool for all types of businesses, whether product or service-based.

Is Pinterest Right For You

Before deciding if Pinterest is right for you, here’s a brief snapshot of what you need to know about this social media platform.

  • Although Pinterest is a social media platform, it acts more like a visual search engine.
  • Content pinned on this platform is searchable and continues to be shared over time.
  • Pinterest is visually appealing.
  • It requires consistent tweaking and updating.
  • It requires consistent time and effort to showcase your business.
  • Pinterest users are already engaged. They love to pin and share content they find valuable.

Ask Yourself These Questions:

Do your clients and customers use Pinterest?

Pinterest users search the website for inspiration, ideas, and information.

Do you have the time it will take to market on Pinterest effectively?

This will require consistent tweaking and updating of your pins, boards, and profile.

Can you create and edit images?

Because Pinterest is a visual platform you need to know how to create and edit quality images, or else have the means to hire someone who can.

Do you have content you can share?

If you’re going to effectively use social media, you need to have quality content and images that you can share such as blog posts, how-to videos, infographics, interesting statistics, inspirational quotes, product reviews, product images, and testimonials.

Does Pinterest fit into your overall business strategy?

The last thing you want to do is add one more thing to that never-ending to-do list. Before you embrace Pinterest use the snapshot and questions above to find out if it’s truly right for you and your business.