email-marketing-informational-newsletterNot all email newsletters are the same. There are several different newsletters you can send to your subscribers. Product updates, special discounts, holiday and special events, and customer testimonials are a few examples. The content you include in your newsletter depends on your reason for communicating with your audience.

Sometimes you may just want to send out a quick update to your subscribers letting them know what’s happening in your business. Here are a few ideas of content to include in a simple informational newsletter.

Recently Published Content

Giving your subscribers free value, such as tips and resources, will keep them coming back to you time and time again. One way to do this is to send them any content you have recently published, such as a blog post. You can add the first few paragraphs of your post in the newsletter and then include a link to your website, so they can read the rest of your post. You’re directing potential customers back to your website and again, giving them free content that will benefit them and their businesses.

Other Content You’ve Enjoyed

Throughout your week as you read blog posts, web articles, or other online content, make a note of what you have found helpful. Odds are if you have found this information helpful then your subscribers will as well. Combine this content into a list, such as, “Favorite Reads Around the Web,” along with links to the articles. These models to your subscribers will show that you are not a one-person show; that it’s helpful to learn from others who are in your niche. It also shows them you realize the importance of growth and self-development, especially as a business owner.

Social Media Links

In all of your digital communication, not only your email newsletters, you should be promoting your social media accounts. Share these icons at either the top or bottom of your newsletter. Be sure they are clearly labeled so your subscribers can easily spot them while glancing through your email. Even though they are on your list, many of your subscribers may not be aware you have an active Facebook group, a popular Instagram account, or a Pinterest board where they can find helpful information and resources you recommend.

What other types of content would you include in your email newsletters?